Potato starch 100%COUNTRY OF ORIGIN
Nature First potato starch is obtained by grinding potato tubers to a pulp, washing away fibre and protein, drying and milling the starch. It can be used to thicken in place of cornstarch or as flour when blended with other gluten or grain free flours. Boiled in liquid, it thickens to a clear gel.
Potato starch is high in resistant starch, which has been shown to be helpful to blood sugar regulation. Resistant starches are able to travel through the body's digestive system without being changed. It also acts as a prebiotic to feed the good bacteria in your gut. Potato starch is completely plant based, naturally gluten and grain free and easy to use. Potato starch is also an acceptable flour to use for Passover baking. Starches can be used to thickening soups, stews or custards, or used as gluten free flours.